We are an international company that helps businesses and entrepreneurs! We buy businesses, we scale businesses, and we partner up with entrepreneurs to start new and innovative companies!

NK Space was launched in September 2023, originally in Tbilisi, Georgia! After working with various companies and entrepreneurs, NK Space went international, and since 2024, we have been working worldwide!

Our mission is to create a better business ecosystem for entrepreneurs who deserve more opportunities, a brighter spotlight, and a better future!

We are highly motivated to help young entrepreneurs build amazing businesses from scratch. Because of that, since day one, we have dedicated our program called "To the Clouds and Beyond" to make business fun, extremely interesting, and less scary for the new generation!


" To The Clouds And Beyond "

5% of company revenue goes to help innovative businesses alongside free three month partnership with NK Space team!

Twice a year, we choose entrepreneurs that need our help and are the most unique!

To be part of the program and help young entrepreneurs, Click the link below !

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